Sunday 15 December 2013

My Logo Design

When designing my own effective logo i knew it had to be five things which were: Simple, memorable, timeless, versatile and appropriate.
Through research of companies logos such as McDonalds, Apple and Nike i have learnt that a good logo is easily recognisable and allows the logo to be versatile and memorable. Good logos feature something unique without being overdrawn and complicated. I think this is because of the simplicity of many logo's. As you can see i have not overcrowded my logo with colour or various fonts as simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

I think it is important to have a sleek but interesting look, which i believe i have accomplished with having the word 'Prestige' written in Chinese. I have chosen the word 'Prestige' as it means the widespread respect and admiration felt for someone or something on the basis of a perception of their achievements or quality. I think this is a fantastic way to summarise an expanding successful company and it has great expectations to live up to. I have chosen to write the word in Chinese as i feel it will create curiosity and fascination of unique design. 

 Research of Nike has taught me that effective logos must be timeless. A brilliant example of this is Nike as they have had the Nike 'swoosh' logo for over 40 years and it is still highly recognisable all over the world. I trust that my logo will be timeless because of its mystery and unknowing.

I tried testing my logo in different colours but first in black and white to ensure that the logo will look good in its simplest form. Colour is very subjective and emotional. This can distract the audience from the overall design or attract the audience but i noticed that this is highly dependent on situation.  For example to gain the status i wanted for my company/ logo i knew i couldn’t be too vibrant as it may portray a young or childish theme. An example of the appropriateness of the logo is the MTV logo which is playful and joyous but it would not be suitable for a law firm.

 To conclude, i believe my logo has achieved the goal of a sophisticated and intriguing style.



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